
Showing posts from January, 2022

GNUnet Messenger API: January

Hi again, This is the first monthly report of this new year about the GNUnet Messenger API. There’s no new video to share this time but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to show. animation of file preview in messenger-gtk As I teased last time that sending files should work already in theory. Well, now it works… actually. But it needed more changes internally in libgnunetchat than I thought. I also implemented visual previews for images and GIF animations as you can see. Users will be able to select which files can be downloaded automatically depending on its sender, size and chat. But currently each file has to be downloaded manually. Files besides images and simple animations can also be opened via default application. I should also add for everyone interested in the security behind the scenes that the files will be encrypted with AES and TwoFish before being shared using the FS submodule from GNUnet. Then the used and randomly generated key and the files hash will be sent