GNUnet Messenger API: January 2024
Hello there, hopefully you have arrived happily in the new year. There’s already some progress I want to share with you. First of all there’s new functionality in the GNUnet messenger service. The service allows sending tickets now which originally come from the RECLAIM service in GNUnet . Those tickets allow sharing selected attributes from your identity with another contact in a secure and private way: Only your selected contact can use the ticket because it requires their own identity key. Your contacts can rely on the attributes coming from you because it depends cryptographically on your identity key. You can adjust the values of those attributes and your contact will be able to receive its updated state. You can revoke an issued ticket at any time, making your contact loose the ability to read current values from the shared attributes. So what is all of this for? Couldn’t we already share information privately with a selected contact via PRIVATE messages in the messenge...