VkCV 0.1.0 released!

This year I collaborated with many other students at the university on a computer graphics framework using the Vulkan API. We designed it to function rather modular and while it abstracts several parts of the Vulkan API and memory management to ease development, it still allows you to utilize Vulkan’s openness and the use of various extensions.

We implemented several example projects with the framework to show how it can be utilized. There are also modules extending the capabilities from the framework to load GLTF assets, manage a scene graph, handling cameras, rendering GUI with ImGui and even image upscaling in realtime using FSR from the GPUOpen initiative. It’s also possible to use the framework for non-rendering projects like simulation utilizing Vulkan compute shaders and its compute pipelines.

You can find a video showcasing the different example projects containing modern features like mesh shaders and ray tracing on YouTube.

You can also find a more detailed explanation of the whole project on YouTube but it’s only available in German. But most of the source code documentation via Doxygen should be available in English. I should add as well that the framework is licensed under the MIT license which allows free use.

The release of version 0.1.0 can be found on GitLab as mirror or on the GitLab server of the university here. From our testing with a CI tool the code should support most popular compilers and operating systems but I recommend looking into the changelog for details.

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