GNUnet Messenger API: November 2023
Hi there,
I’m actively working on the GNUnet Messenger service again and I wanted to share some of my progress over the last month. Actually it has been a bit longer than a month since I started implementing this part but because I was kind of busy with other projects at the same time, I couldn’t complete much. Therefore I didn’t had a lot to talk about before today.
So what change was I working on? It’s about this issue here. The idea is that you could run GNUnet on a device which might not offer a lot of processing capabilities or it might be limited regarding power draw (for example a mobile device running from battery). So in that case you don’t want to handle routing for chat rooms in the Messenger service if not necessary. But that’s the problem. Sometimes it is necessary.
For example when you are in a private chat with only one contact and they only have such a restricted device running their peer as well. So some of you has to enable routing functionality or in other words “open the room” regarding the API allowing the other peer to establish a connection via its peer identity.
However this has caused an issue in the current version of the protocol because sending a peer message and enabling routing functionality for others was a one-way option with the only way to revert it leaving the chat room. That’s not ideal when devices could have very dynamic contexts. For example you could charge your device, connect via cable to network or wirelessly. Connections might not be reliable all the time and your device might be able to manage routing messages sometimes even though it could be too much most of the time.
So the solution as mentioned in the issue was to allow different kinds of signatures for messages depending on the kind of message. This changes the protocol drastically in terms of complexity but it provides a lot of advantages. First of all the service can now send some messages without any client forwarding their private key for signatures. In current state a service needed to run on user level to get access to a user’s identity keys for signing messages. That’s not the case anymore. Private keys stay on the client side with user level. So the service could now run as gnunet user system wide, being shared between different users without the potential of private keys getting compromised.
The second advantage is that the service now controls sending PEER and MISS messages. This allows the service to manage enabling and disabling routing functionality on its own. Rules for this aren’t implemented yet but there will be an option for configuration soon. The service will also handle MERGE messages automatically. Additionally INFO messages get signed via peer identity. Overall the peers are now able to communicate the underlying routing structure without one member to sign the required messages for the service and members are much more independant of the actual service.
Another bit of progress happened independant from my own doing. GNUnet moved from using GNU Automake as build system towards using Meson which is a good thing in my opinion. Builds are pretty fast now and the directories in the repository have been reorganized. Also the transport layer has seen a huge update with a new implementation (TNG). I assume all of these changes should apply for the next release.
Also I should note that I’ve already implemented the necessary changes to make libgnunetchat compatible with upstream GNUnet. Maybe someone has noticed the latest release of libgnunetchat (0.1.3) has not been compatible with the latest release of GNUnet (+0.20.0). Depending on the amount of time until the next release of GNUnet, I might address this with some release of the chat library in between. There’s already a patch upstream. I think the most issue was that I didn’t check the issue before updating GNUnet in the flatpak manifest. Sorry about that! At least I noticed because of this the flatpak was actually using the debug build, enabling my asserts. So I might address that as well.
I’ve planned implementing a ton of new features in the upcoming months. So keep an eye out for more blog posts like this. I’ve started to read into the MLS protocol considering it for solving some issue in the Messenger service. But I’m not sure yet whether that can be implemented efficiently without centralized infrastructure.
Kind regards,