GNUnet Messenger API: June 2024


this month I’ve started working on the implementation of a voice chat feature. So far my local tests are looking good, transferring raw audio data from one client to another, essentially streaming it. Latency of all the cryptographic overhead does not seem to be an issue. It’s still possible there are optimizations needed but for a first implementation it’s looking good.

I’m still waiting for further practical multi-device tests on either NAT traversal or improved peer perception in local networks using GNUnet. Also there’s still ongoing work on the testing system to create local multi-device test cases using network namespaces. Until one of those options is solid, it’s difficult to verify whether latency or bandwidth need further improvements.

So I’ve continued implementing the required API in libgnunetchat and I’am already working on the graphical interface for it in the GTK client. Because those parts don’t need to wait for the back-end anyway and it makes practical tests easier. For most simplistic tests I’ve added a functionality to the gnunet-messenger CLI tool which comes with GNUnet. So it can be run in streaming mode piping all input straight through the Messenger service using the new discourses.

That’s probably the point I should explain what discourses are inside the GNUnet Messenger. A discourse is a live channel for data exchange inside a chat room. Users of that chat room can subscribe to or unsubscribe from such discourses to receive or send data to other subscribed members. Essentially it’s a multicast functionality inside of the end-to-end encrypted chat rooms.

For that it uses two different kinds of messages at the moment. Clients can send a SUBSCRIBE message inside a chat to adjust their own subscription or send a TALK message to exchange binary data. Both new messages differ in one regard from all other messages so far in the regard that they won’t get stored. So it’s not possible to request and receive them at a later point in time from other peers (except they run a different implementation of the service). Clients which haven’t subscribed to a given discourse won’t receive any TALK messages from their service linked to that discourse. Potentially this could even be optimized further that even their peers don’t receive this data saving bandwidth. But something like this isn’t implemented yet.

Subscriptions to discourses expire automatically after a custom delay set by the client. If they want to quit their subscription earlier it’s possible to send a SUBSCRIBE message with immediate action to unsubscribe via custom flag. Sending any data via TALK messages is optional for any subscribed member of a discourse.

A chat room can have multiple discourses in parallel. They identify via a custom 256bit hash. The idea behind this is utilizing such a hash as equivalent to ports in IP traffic to make it easier for applications to handle data from such discourses. For example one discourse could be used to exchange live audio for a voice chat while a second discourse is used to exchange live video for a video chat. So users could select via subscriptions what they want to receive or send more precisely.

How does that look in practice? The idea is to have a graphical interface that acts very similar as other popular applications with a voice chat feature. You have buttons to enable or disable microphone, speakers, camera or screen sharing while being in a voice call with others. Ending the call will drop all required subscriptions. The buttons will only control selective features.

It’s planned to have a voice call open while being still able to send and receive text messages via chat. But it’s difficult getting all of this in a handy window size. I believe it’s doable but at the moment I don’t want to share my current design ideas yet because it might still change quite a bit. It’s definitely the goal to have a functional interface for Linux devices of all form factors. But more about that next time.

Small addition: There’s been a new release of the GNUnet Messenger application (version 0.10.0). It’s already available as flatpak on Flathub while the snap package on snapcraft is still at 0.8.0 because building requires core24 as base which isn’t compatible with the gnome extension for snaps yet. Another big issue is the compatibility of pipewire with snaps. As soon as that works I will release an update. But if you are on Linux distributions which favor snaps and you want to try the latest versions, you either need to wait, build the application from source or try setting up flatpak for now.

Also smaller addition: I could actually try to run the snap package on a Pinephone running Ubuntu Touch. It runs the application but it’s not really usable because of wrong UI scaling. I will look into solving this as soon as the core issues with the snap package are resolved.

Kind regards,

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